Rules of the Plymouth Medical Society revised at a Special Meeting on 9 Feb 2018
1. Name and Objects of the Society
The Society shall retain its original name “The Plymouth Medical Society”. The objects of the Society shall be the maintenance (in conjunction with the Plymouth General Hospital and the Plymouth Medical Centre, or their successors) of a medical library and the holding of meetings for the discussion of subjects of professional and general interest and for recreational purposes.
2. Trustees
The property of the Society shall be vested in between three and six trustees, members of the Society, elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or a Special Meeting called for the purpose. Trustees shall normally serve for five years and shall be eligible for re-election. At its discretion, the Council may fill vacancies before the next AGM.
3. Membership
3.1 Ordinary Membership
Any qualified medical practitioner is eligible to apply for Ordinary Membership. New members will be welcomed by the Chair at the next Society meeting. If an objection is raised at or before the meeting, election to membership shall be decided by a ballot or show of hands, at the discretion of the Chair.
3.2 Associate Membership
People who are not qualified medical practitioners may apply for Associate Membership. Associate members may hold office and vote at Council and Society meetings, but may not be Trustees.
3.3 Honorary Membership
To be offered at the Council’s discretion to distinguished speakers and others who have served the Society or the Profession in exceptional ways.
4. Terms of Membership
The amount of annual subscriptions shall be recommended by Council, agreed at the AGM and payable on 1st October each year. Any member who has not paid the annual subscription by the following October will be deemed to have resigned from the Society. Lapsed members can apply to re-join the Society.
The Society can withdraw membership from any member at a Special Meeting, after seven days’ notice, at which at least 15 members are present. A two thirds majority vote of those present shall be necessary to withdraw membership.
5. Meetings
The President-elect, Hon Secretary and Council shall arrange the Society’s activities, based on suggestions made by the membership.
An annual programme of meetings and activities and the names of officers and Council members shall be available to all Members. The AGM shall normally be the final meeting of the Programme Year.
Notice of meetings shall be sent to members at least a week beforehand. Members may bring guests to meetings and events, except those which are designated for members only. A record of attendance and minutes shall be kept.
A Special Meeting shall be held within 28 days of the receipt by the Hon Secretary of a requisition signed by seven members of the Society, or on instruction by the Council. At such meetings, 15 members shall form a quorum and, except as specified in any other rule of the Society, a simple majority vote shall be sufficient.
6. The Council of the Plymouth Medical Society
6.1 The Council
The Council shall manage the affairs of the Society. Honorary officers of the Society shall include the President, past President, President-elect, Secretary, Secretary-elect, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Archivist. These and other roles may be shared or combined. The officers and Trustees, with up to six other elected members, shall form the Council of the Society. Members of Council shall normally serve for three years, and shall be eligible for re-election.
6.2 Election of Council members
Members shall be invited to nominate themselves and other members, for the post of President-elect, other vacant roles and Council membership at least four weeks before the AGM. Candidates must be proposed and seconded and have agreed to serve on the Council. If the number of candidates exceeds the number of vacancies, election shall be by ballot and members will be notified of the names of candidates at least a week before the AGM. The Chairman will register the votes of members unable to attend, and the candidates attracting most votes at the AGM will be elected. At its discretion, the Council may fill vacancies for officers and Council members before the next AGM.
6.3 Council meetings
Meetings of the Council shall be convened by the Hon Secretary at times determined by the President, Trustees and Council. Notice of Council meetings shall be sent to every member of Council not less than seven days beforehand. At meetings of the Council, five shall form a quorum. All decisions shall be made by a simple majority, the Chair being entitled to a casting vote in the event of a tie.
7. Officers of the Society
7.1 The President
The President will transfer the office to the President-elect during the AGM. The President will address the Society on a subject of their choice during their year of office. The President or a deputy shall take the Chair at meetings, including special and council meetings, and represent the Society at outside functions. The President or the Chair of a meeting shall have a casting vote in all ballots and elections held by the Society.
7.2 Honorary Secretary
The Hon Secretary may be assisted by the past secretary and a secretary-elect. The Hon Secretary may perform or delegate the following responsibilities in conjunction with the President, President-elect and Council members: keeping minutes of the Society’s activities, maintaining the website, convening and arranging meetings of the Society, notifying members and conducting correspondence on behalf of the Society.
7.3 Honorary Treasurer
The Hon Treasurer shall receive subscriptions and keep an account of all monies received and expended on behalf of the Society. The Hon Treasurer will present the annual accounts to the Council and the Trustees shall audit them before the Hon Treasurer presents them at the AGM.
The Hon Treasurer shall inform the Council of members in arrears with their subscriptions. With the approval of Council, the Hon Treasurer may pay non-members for services such as administrative support.
7.4 Membership Secretary
The Membership Secretary shall maintain an up-to-date record of Members’ names, type and dates of membership and contact details in accordance with data protection legislation and make it available to the President, Secretary, Treasurer and administrator.
7.5 Honorary Archivist
The Hon Archivist shall be responsible for the safe-keeping of old minute books, records, pictures, manuscripts, documents, and all other items of the Society’s property and maintain a catalogue of all items and where they are. In collaboration with the Hospital Librarian, the Hon Archivist shall maintain a catalogue of the Society’s books and their whereabouts.
8. Property of the Society
The property and cash of the Society shall be held by the trustees for the benefit of the members. The Trustees shall have no power to dispose of any part of the property of the Society without the consent of a two-thirds majority of members voting at a Special Meeting called for the purpose. The Society’s books shall be marked as belonging to the Society and be kept in a place determined by the Council. Members may recommend books for purchase to the Council.
9. Alteration of rules
No repeal, alteration or amendment to the rules of the Society shall be made except at a Special Meeting called for the purpose. Any alteration to the rules shall require a two-thirds majority, excluding abstentions, of those present at the Special Meeting or lodging their vote beforehand. Any alteration to the rules shall be notified to every Member and no change shall become effective within 28 days of such notification.